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旗下栏目: 律师名博


来源:法律博客 作者:刑法理性 发布时间:2017-08-21


Restraint On Legal and Policy of

Criminal Law Interpretation ofEconomic Crime

Wei Dong, Li Hong

(LawSchool,Sichuan University, Chengdu 610207)

AbstractEconomic crime specializedin legislation and counts setting. When interpreting the criminal law ofeconomic crime, we should pay attention to the double illegal characteristics andrestraint on legal and policy of economic crime. When the administrativeillegality of specific acts has explicitly been excluded and blocked by theadministrative law and other non criminal legal norms, we should interpret the actsas non crime. When interpreting the blank counts, the simple counts and thefallback provision of economic crime, we shouldpay close attention to legal and policy restraint on the meaning and applicationscope of the criminal law norms of economic crime, insisting the conservativeposition on interpretation of criminal law, utilizing the essential method forinterpretation of the criminal law prudently, and reviewing the illegality andcriminal punishment in essence, in order to ensure the specific appropriatenessof criminalization and decriminalization interpretation conclusion.

Key wordsEconomiccrime, Criminal law interpretation, Blank counts, Simple counts, Fallback provision.



