I have spoken only of the common law, because there are some cases in which a 我谈到了伟大的普通法,只是谈到了伟大普通法,其实还有大陆法,因为确有一些案例,logical justification can be found for speaking of civil liabilities as 其中确有逻辑推理三段论的痕迹,由此看,伟大普通法与大陆法在民事责任与宏大的民事imposing duties in an intelligible sense. These are the relatively few in which 义务上,是可以相通的。确实有一些相对公平的案件判决,equity will grant an injunction, and will enforce it by putting the defendant 主要在衡平法院,授与禁令,它强行将犯罪的被告投入监狱,或其他惩罚,in prison or otherwise punishing him unless he complies with the order of the 除非被告尊从法庭的判决。court. But I hardly think it advisable to shape general theory from the 但我很少理智地想评判这一事件,并使之成为一种典型,成为一种例外。exception, and I think it would be better to cease troubling ourselves about 成为一种例外,而且我也心愧地希望其只是一种意外,primary rights and sanctions altogether, than to describe our prophecies 我们应尊重基本人权和法庭判决的公平性和平等性,而不是只是教科书似地宣扬女巫concerning the liabilities commonly imposed by the law in those inappropriate 神圣的先例原则,我们法律专业者应自己尊守法律,而不是口是心非。terms.I mentioned, as other examples of the use by the law of words drawn from 我还提到,还有其他例子,我们从中抽出法言法语,我们充满精神道德,morals, malice, intent, and negligence. It is enough to take malice as it is 充满怨怼,充满成见,以及充满无知。这已经够了,当我们used in the law of civil liability for wrongs what we lawyers call the law of 处理民事案件时,却是想嫌钱,律师想嫌钱,这有些邪恶,torts — to show that it means something different in law from what it means in 我们向当事人显示,法律与道德有多么不同,morals, and also to show how the difference has been obscured by giving to 也显示法律是多么原则,需我们律师作出有利解释,但此须要收钱,法律专业人士可以principles which have little or nothing to do with each other the same name. 说心里充满邪恶,与其他行业专业人士一样。Three hundred years ago a parson preached a sermon and told a story out of 三百年前,有一位牧师作过一次布道,他从福克思的《殉道者之书》中选取一个故事,Fox's Book of Martyrs of a man who had assisted at the torture of one of the 一个人因为听圣经之道爱帮助人,并因与常识相左而内心折磨而死。saints, and afterward died, suffering compensatory inward torment. It happened 他是心历了受难者的痛苦而死,即自己成为殉道者。that Fox was wrong. The man was alive and chanced to hear the sermon, and 奇怪发生了,福克思错了。那位殉道者还活着,并恰巧听了与福克思同一时代的,那位牧thereupon he sued the parson. Chief Justice Wray instructed the jury that the 师的布道。所以他控告了那位布道的牧师。那位正义的主审大法官雷,向陪审团指出,defendant was not liable, because the story was told innocently, without 被告是无辜的,因为布道充满善意。malice. He took malice in the moral sense, as importing a malevolent motive. 从法律专业人士看,牧师充满伪善,有使人殉道的残忍动机。But nowadays no one doubts that a man may be liable, without any malevolent 但现在,很少有人会相信,专凭动机去判案,motive at all, for false statements manifestly calculated to inflict temporal 因为要注意口供,本案中我们只须注意牧师布道时的临时是否有引人入邪道之过。damage. In stating the case in pleading, we still should call the defendant's 在本案中,我们应听听被告之辩论,我们应说主审法官的引导有些邪恶,conduct malicious; but, in my opinion at least, the word means nothing about 但至少依我之见,被告的口供与动机一样重要,motives, or even about the defendant's attitude toward the future, but only 甚至被告对自己未来前途的态度,也重要,signifies that the tendency of his conduct under known circumstances was very 我还更重要地指出,主审正义大法官对陪审团的引导,有误导作用,plainly to cause the plaintiff temporal harm.因判决依赖正义客观事实,过多引导会对原告,即听布道者造成暂时的损伤。 |