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来源:青衣aa3 作者:青衣aa3 人气: 发布时间:2017-03-17
摘要:Indeed, I think that even now our theory upon this matter is open to 的确,我甚至想,我们是否可以重建侵权理论,并作公开讨论,reconsideration, although I am not prepared to say how I should decide if a 尽管我不想说我真想如此,。reconsiderati
Indeed, I think that even now our theory upon this matter is open to 的确,我甚至想,我们是否可以重建侵权理论,并作公开讨论,reconsideration, although I am not prepared to say how I should decide if a 尽管我不想说我真想如此,。reconsideration were proposed. Our law of torts comes from the old days of 重建侵权理论确实必要。我们的侵权法律源自孤立的、非机器的时代,如规范谋杀,抢isolated, ungeneralized wrongs, assaults, slanders, and the like, where the 劫,等等类似重型犯罪,damages might be taken to lie where they fell by legal judgment. But the torts 伤害的证据在那里明摆着,法官一眼穿。但在今天,我们法官面对的侵权案件with which our courts are kept busy today are mainly the incidents of certain ——日夜为此忙碌,是某些众所周知的well known businesses. They are injuries to person or property by railroads, ,商业侵权行为。它们是一些铁路、工厂等等,factories, and the like. The liability for them is estimated, and sooner or 对个人的身体或财产的侵犯。他们的责任被实际估算,或早或迟会,later goes into the price paid by the public. The public really pays the 以金钱的方式为公众赔尝,——即通过保险公司或捐款。公众确已赔偿,damages, and the question of liability, if pressed far enough, is really a 对此类损害或责任问题,如果我们思考得足够远,真相是,question how far it is desirable that the public should insure the safety of 公众为自己享受生活的安全与便利买了单,实现了被侵权人的权利,one whose work it uses. It might be said that in such cases the chance of a 确保铁路与工厂职工的正常工作。可以说,在这类案件中,jury finding for the defendant is merely a chance, once in a while rather 陪审团发现的只是被告的问题,这是相当苛刻的,arbitrarily interrupting the regular course of recovery, most likely in the 因为科学发明与人们享受便利确会带来这些,最重要的是,这里细心的原告须保留证据,case of an unusually conscientious plaintiff, and therefore better done away 这体现公平正义,更好一些的是,政府多关心,也祝人们远离危险。with. On the other hand, the economic value even of a life to the community can 另一方面看,以经济价值去估算民事原告一生的代价,不从精神上去补偿,be estimated, and no recovery, it may be said, ought to go beyond that amount. 据我霍姆斯来看,也是不公道的,人的生命重于一切价值。It is conceivable that some day in certain cases we may find ourselves 也许有一天,我们能穿透一切迷雾,解决这些,原告与被告,都如中国儒家一样,imitating, on a higher plane, the tariff for life and limb which we see in the 是孺子入井人有恻隐之心,将心比心,在更高平台上,建设美好家园,——正如我们,Leges Barbarorum.在里格巴啦巴松蛮族罗马法见到的一样。I think that the judges themselves have failed adequately to recognize their 我霍姆斯的确认为,法官本人缺少足够的考量,考量弱势群体的利益,duty of weighing considerations of social advane. The duty is inevitable, 而这又是法官的责任。我霍姆斯认为,这种责任无可避免。and the result of the often proclaimed judicial aversion to deal with such 法官还可以改进,我霍姆斯已大胆在上面提到过,法官忽视弱势群体利益是讨人嫌的,considerations is simply to leave the very ground and foundation of judgments 它动摇了法院判决的理想,inarticulate, and often unconscious, as I have said. When socialism first began 虽然法官有时公正,但表达不清。这一点,社会主义者首先装模作样谈论过,to be talked about, the comfortable classes of the community were a good deal 应该说优势阶级的法益好得过了头。frightened. I suspect that this fear has influenced judicial action both here 我大胆猜想,人们对打官司的恐惧,实际也影响法院的生意,其在我国与英国是一样,and in England, yet it is certain that it is not a conscious factor in the 官司是太多了,使人难以了解社会的真实问题,人们需要我上面提到的良知。decisions to which I refer. I think that something similar has led people who 我霍姆斯心里确实担,司法的存续,no longer hope to control the legislatures to look to the courts as expounders 我们需要人们高兴地走进法院寻求公正,of the constitutions, and that in some courts new principles have been 来聆听法官的宪法解释,在法庭上,我们法律人太需巩固我们司法基础的模仿判决,discovered outside the bodies of those instruments, which may be generalized 不能让人们寻求司法外救济,into acceptance of the economic doctrines which prevailed about fifty years 人们太需要正义,仅仅经济赔偿是不足的,那流行至今已五十年了,ago, and a wholesale prohibition of what a tribunal of lawyers does not think 禁止人们寻求正义的官司实在太多,我霍姆斯的确认为有待改进。about right. I cannot but believe that if the training of lawyers led them 我霍姆斯的法学修养使我认为,过多的法律专门训炼使人感到理性多一些,habitually to consider more definitely and explicitly the social advane on 令人感到冷酷,我们法官自认是精英阶层,太倾向于奢华,太倾向于强权与财富,which the rule they lay down must be justified, they sometimes would hesitate 哲学思想上的正义,我们思考得太少了,我们应该,学习青荷人,无讼少讼儒家家园思想where now they are confident, and see that really they were taking sides upon 和孔子伦理思想,法律专业者和法官应该固执争议一方,不得扰讼。debatable and often burning questions.