So much for the fallacy of logical form. Now let us consider the present 有关法律的罗辑形式,我霍姆斯言尽于此。现在让让我们考虑细酌一下,condition of the law as a subject for study, and the ideal toward which it 法律,作为法律专业人士研究课题的条件,和法律专业人士的理想。tends. We still are far from the point of view which I desire to see reached. 应该说,我们法律专业人士,离美好的社会理想是太远了,我们专注于金钱。No one has reached it or can reach it as yet. We are only at the beginning of a 这种理想就是孔子的大同世界,没人有到达过,或许永远也无法到达,但我们应有一个开philosophical reaction, and of a reconsideration of the worth of doctrines 始,一个美好哲学的开始,让我们重新打量法法条的价值,which for the most part still are taken for granted without any deliberate, 我们过去是疏忽了,法律专业人士也不是故意的,也不是没良知,更不是没同情心,conscious, and systematic questioning of their grounds. The development of our 但我们法律专业人士,对法院的基础无讼是少过虑了。law has gone on for nearly a thousand years, like the development of a plant, 司法实践自中世纪神学统治后,大约有一千年了,如同植物的生长,each generation taking the inevitable next step, mind, like matter, simply 一代又一代,我们法律专业人,有了一套又一套理论法理学,关于心灵,关于事物的本obeying a law of spontaneous growth. It is perfectly natural and right that it 质,我霍姆斯发现,我们法律专业人士,只是强调严格尊守法律,这完全自然和正确,should have been so. Imitation is a necessity of human nature, as has been 但这缺少孔子大同世界的理想。西方司法的,尊守先例的,神圣女巫的,诚实信用原则,illustrated by a remarkable French writer, M. Tard, in an admirable book, Les 已经被法国学者肖德阐明,在令人震惊的书《模仿》中阐明,Lois de l'Imitation. Most of the things we do, we do for no better reason than 合同一签订即为有效,除非强制,这就是诚实信用原则,就是法律讲道德,that our fathers have done them or that our neighbors do them, and the same is 就是父亲在小时候说的,孩儿呀,长大要做好人,好好与邻居相处,法律专业人士精研覃true of a larger part than we suspect of what we think. The reason is a good 思,法律精义在手,但大部分违反,常识,和道德伦理,法律专业人士想另起炉灶。one, because our short life gives us no time for a better, but it is not the 这很好,因为短暂的一生给我们太少更理想的机遇,但割离传统并非最好。best. It does not follow, because we all are compelled to take on faith at 但美好的理想不会到来,因为孔子,为社会,为人类的理想,更大,更宏阔。second hand most of the rules on which we base our action and our thought, that 我们不能只考虑细量自己的利益,这是第二位,按孔子圣人,他一生行迹都是超功利的,each of us may not try to set some corner of his world in the order of reason, 地球上每一个人都在因受难而寻求解脱,读古今圣贤之书,寻找生命的理由,如西方圣人or that all of us collectively should not aspire to carry reason as far as it 耶苏,我们法律专业人士也需脱困,目关更远大,到达圣人受难脱困所示的空间,大同理will go throughout the whole domain. In regard to the law, it is true, no 想,平等,博受,自由,平等,正义,我们因之神圣。我霍姆斯不得不说,神学安慰心doubt, that an evolutionist will hesitate to affirm universal validity for his 灵,法律是唯物,主观与客观,立世皆需要,在美国有效,在英国有效,在宇宙有效,social ideals, or for the principles which he thinks should be embodied in 这就是东方西方圣人的《圣经》理想和《论语》理想,大同世界,这应体现在司法立法legislation. He is content if he can prove them best for here and now. He may 中。我霍姆斯问,这是不是更令人喜悦?无论在哪里,讲耶苏与孔子总没有错。be ready to admit that he knows nothing about an absolute best in the cosmos, 我霍姆斯更进一层谈自己的信仰,法律是宇宙的规律,此外无一物,这是绝对的,无论如and even that he knows next to nothing about a permanent best for men. Still it 何,我霍姆斯与中国的译者青荷人一样,法律理想永远不变,这就是男人,不是别的。is true that a body of law is more rational and more civilized when every rule 大家一定要相信,法律是宇宙的规律,你看,连佛教也是有戒律,我们西方也有修道院,it contains is referred articulately and definitely to an end which it 不能乱来,其中蕴含,成功守成在于礼守,如中国译者青荷人所证的儒道,以有限证无subserves, and when the grounds for desiring that end are stated or are ready 限,无可翻转,这其中的心底的喜悦无以言表,寻找到理想的快慰无以言表,宗祖祭祀,to be stated in words.七分信实,三分权变。 |