This is not the time to work out a theory in detail, or to answer many obvious 我想,这不是一个,有时间讨论理论细节的时代,也不是回答我以一般形式,提出的doubts and questions which are suggested by these general views. I know of none 对法律与道德关系的疑问的时代,人们太忙了。which are not easy to answer, but what I am trying to do now is only by a 我仅知道哪些容易回答,哪些不容易回答,但我还是试图回答一些关键理论问题,series of hints to throw some light on the narrow path of legal doctrine, and 我以此试图,在司法独裁主义,这条狭窄的小路上,投下一色亮光,也可以说是一个美丽upon two pitfalls which, as it seems to me, lie perilously near to it. Of the 的慌言,一是同情当事人,一是严格执行法律,这对于吐露真相的我霍姆斯来说很危险。first of these I have said enough. I hope that my illustrations have shown the 其核心之一是,我说得太多了,太多真相了。我希望我的阐释确实照亮了法律的危险,danger, both to speculation and to practice, of confounding morality with law, 这一个不吉祥的工作,太洞察真相,太讲实际得失,我们必须重建法律与道德的依付关and the trap which legal language lays for us on that side of our way. For my 系,法律语言实际上多是谎言,人们也是确知的,我们作法律私有化,真理并不在我们这own part, I often doubt whether it would not be a gain if every word of moral 里,其对我们法律专业人来说,是一个无以自明的陷阱。我常常怀疑,我们法律专业人并没有significance could be banished from the law altogether, and other words adopted 赢,如果道德词汇,从法律人这里退出的话,而我们又想,向百姓传达,我们钟爱的法律which should convey legal ideas uncolored by anything outside the law. We 语汇,且不加掩饰的话。我们将失去,should lose the fossil records of a good deal of history and the majesty got 失去政府的信任,我们的法律会荡然无存,哪里去寻找我们法律专业人的活化石——案from ethical associations, but by ridding ourselves of an unnecessary confusion 件与当事人的道德意识,因为中国儒家家园主张无讼少讼,我们法律专业人还在为打官司we should gain very much in the clearness of our thought.而打官司,我们的良知便使我们自己困惑,我们应该理清我们的思想,哪样我们法律专业人会有饭吃。This is not the time to work out a theory in detail, or to answer many obvious 这不是一个解决细节理论的时代,doubts and questions which are suggested by these general views. I know of none 也不是回答观众杂乱怀疑与尖锐问题的时代。我什么也不知道,which are not easy to answer, but what I am trying to do now is only by a 我只回答容易回答问题,我不知道,通过一系列暗示,series of hints to throw some light on the narrow path of legal doctrine, and 将我法律专业人的尊严的光辉,投影到国家立法信条的心上,upon two pitfalls which, as it seems to me, lie perilously near to it. Of the 是否可以。first of these I have said enough. I hope that my illustrations have shown the 这其中之一关于法律专业人我已说得太多。我希望我的阐释, 已经显示了职业的危险,danger, both to speculation and to practice, of confounding morality with law, 一是有前景,一是太实际,还纠缠道德的过多束缚,and the trap which legal language lays for us on that side of our way. For my 另一不祥是,法律语言只有我们懂。own part, I often doubt whether it would not be a gain if every word of moral 对我自己而言,我常常怀疑,道德词汇从法律语言中退出,significance could be banished from the law altogether, and other words adopted 是否是不祥。但另外来说,过多讲道德语言,which should convey legal ideas uncolored by anything outside the law. We 又使我们法律失去专业性。should lose the fossil records of a good deal of history and the majesty got 我们是否应该忘记,道德记录法律历史的活化石意义,from ethical associations, but by ridding ourselves of an unnecessary confusion 国家在法律与道德上的骑墙态度,使我们法律专业人有许多不必要的疑虑,we should gain very much in the clearness of our thought.我们应接受更融恰的道德法律思想,如本译者的儒家家园思想。So much for the limits of the law. The next thing which I wish to consider is 因此法律科学有那么多限制。接下来,我想阐明的是,what are the forces which determine its content and its growth. You may assume, 法律科学的内容与增益的动力问题。with Hobbes and Bentham and Austin, that all law emanates from the sovereign, 这时你可以找到救命稻草,霍布斯、本生和奥斯丁,他们或者说全部法律来源于专制,even when the first human beings to enunciate it are the judges, or you may 甚至说,第一个人类就会裁判,或者说,think that law is the voice of the Zeitgeist, or what you like. It is all one 法律科学是时髦的摇滚乐队括躁的声音,或者诸如此类。阐明此,to my present purpose. Even if every decision required the sanction of an 即是我此行的目的。法律科学也不要总是触犯禁区,emperor with despotic power and a whimsical turn of mind, we should be 以证明我们法律专业人的大量古怪思想,我们应该有理性,interested none the less, still with a view to prediction, in discovering some 自己应该首先践行女巫神圣的先例原则,即中外通行的诚实信用原则,我们的正事是,order, some rational explanation, and some principle of growth for the rules 发现秩序,发现合理解释,以及法律科学的内部原则的增益,which he laid down. In every system there are such explanations and principles 她就在眼前。每一个法律科学系统,也都有一些精碎的解释,和基本原则,to be found. It is with regard to them that a second fallacy comes in, which I 等待发现。 她可能存在谬误,但我霍姆斯希望,think it important to expose.法律专业人士发现的动人解释和基本原则,早日到来。The fallacy to which I refer is the notion that the only force at work in the 我想说的法律专业人可能的谬误,是以为推动法律科学发展的是,development of the law is logic. In the broadest sense, indeed, that notion 法律内在的逻辑。从更广泛意义上来说,would be true. The postulate on which we think about the universe is that there 谬误可能是不真的。因为,我们发现宇宙规律,无不出于假定,is a fixed quantitative relation between every phenomenon and its antecedents 然后去寻找,宇宙现象之间千丝万缕的联系,以及前因后果。and consequents. If there is such a thing as a phenomenon without these fixed 如果在宇宙现象之间,没有固定的千丝万缕的联系,quantitative relations, it is a miracle. It is outside the law of cause and 她就是一个谬误。我希望大量的法律现象中,也有这样一丝的客观规律,effect, and as such transcends our power of thought, or at least is something 她超越我们的胡思乱想,to or from which we cannot reason. The condition of our thinking about the 供我们探寻。人文社会科学,也与自然科学一样,我想也有真实的规律可寻,universe is that it is capable of being thought about rationally, or, in other 我们可以致思,我们可以演绎推理,我们演绎推理出的法律规律,words, that every part of it is effect and cause in the same sense in which 根据其他社会科学,those parts are with which we are most familiar. So in the broadest sense it is 我们也应该不违背常识,因为常识是宇宙规律。所以从更广泛意义上来说,true that the law is a logical development, like everything else. The danger of 法律也是一种逻辑事业,如别的自然科学一样。which I speak is not the admission that the principles governing other 我这样说的危险是,承认法律科学可能不是人文科学,phenomena also govern the law, but the notion that a given system, ours, for 因为我说有规律可寻,但我们也是从本行看,法律是概念的集合体,instance, can be worked out like mathematics from some general axioms of 办理案件,要求我们法律专业人士的法律推理,有所结果,象解数学题一样。。conduct. This is the natural error of the schools, but it is not confined to 从人文科学看,法律科学讲规律是一种错误,这就有内在矛盾。them. I once heard a very eminent judge say that he never let a decision go 我曾听一位西方包公说,他不会失手于任何一个案件的正确,until he was absolutely sure that it was right. So judicial dissent often is 他必须内心确保如此。司法过失常受到遣责,blamed, as if it meant simply that one side or the other were not doing their 好象它只是意味着,当事人的一方满意,sums right, and if they would take more trouble, agreement inevitably would 正当司法,是使案件双方当事平等感到公平正义,一致同意熄讼。come. |