Preface (初序) " LEGA L THE0Y" is the body of systematic thinking about (or bearing closely on) law to which nonlawyers can and 司法思想是一体系统思想,一体法律思想或与法律有关之思想,无名法律人能且确能对此do make important contributons, and which lawyers ignore at their peril. My conception of legal 作出重大贡献,法律职业者通常危险忽视之。 我(波斯纳)欲广山河,theory is broad, sweeping within it matters that might be thought to belong to political or social 司法思想推之宽广,意欲横扫政治思想或社会思想,theory rather than to legal theory. This breadth reflects the broadening of interests that is charac-而不仅仅是司法思想。此越界思想反映当代司法学术群体之引以为傲之宽广兴趣。teristc of contemporary legal scholarship. We live at a time when economists, like Ronald Coase 我们生活在某一时代,一个经济学者、哲学学者、文and Gary Becker, philosophers, like John Rawls and Richard Rort, and literary critcs, like Stanley 学批评学者,如科斯、贝克、罗尔斯、罗德及费希先生,出现在法律学者之著作中。Fish, are real presences in legal scholarship. So the reader of this book will find, along with 因是本书读者势必发现,除却法律著作老生常谈之chapters on judges, the legal profession, legal scholarship, the Constituton, and the regulation of 司法、司法职业、法学学术者、美国宪政专家及employment contracts, chapters that deal with sexuality, social constructonism, feminism, rhetoric, 职业合约规制,其他章节将从事性学、社会结构学、女权主义、修辞伦理学、insttutional economics, political theory, and the depiction of law in literature. Even my forays into 制度经济学、政治思想及文学中法律描写之研究,诸如此类。 进一步,我波斯纳 topics as remote fom the conventonal domain of legal theory as the ancestry of Beethoven, feuds 劫掠夺宽广之题域诸如贝多芬之祖源、冰岛中世纪之弗罗伊德现象in medieval Iceland and child care in ancient Greece, and the education of deaf children have 古希腊之儿童保育及聋子儿童之成长,在我波斯纳心中,作为法官与grown out of my professional interests as a judge and legal scholar. 法学学者之心中滋蔓。 |