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University of Mannheim: We are seeking candidates for an ass

来源:未知 作者:admin 人气: 发布时间:2017-03-17
摘要:At the School of Law and Economics, Department of Law, we are seeking to fill a Assistant Professorship for Law and Economics (W1)for three years at the earliest possible date. Following a positive evaluation, the employment term can be ex
At the School of Law and Economics, Department of Law, we are seeking to fill a Assistant Professorship for Law and Economics (W1)for three years at the earliest possible date. Following a positive evaluation, the employment term can be extended by three more years. The department of law has a strong commitment to interdisciplinary scholarship. Applicants can be lawyers or economists with outstanding commitment to research in the field of law and economics and should be prepared to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration, including within the Mannheim Centre of Competition and Innovation (MaCCI). Successful applicants must have obtained their doctorate when taking up the position. Command of the German language is an advane but we also welcome applicants who speak only English. Teaching can be entirely in English. Hiring requirements follow from § 51, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Universities Act (Landeshochschulgesetz) of the state of Baden-Württemberg. They consist of a university degree, an outstanding doctorate, and teaching aptitude. The assistant professor should seek to qualify herself/himself for a tenured position at a university. Appointment is subject to the general requirements of civil servants and will be initially for a period of three years. The term can be extended to a total of six years following a positive evaluation (see § 51, paragraphs 7 and 8 Universities Act/Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg). The University of Mannheim works towards increasing the share of women in academia and especially welcomes applications from qualified female candidates. Suitable applications from severely disabled candidates will be given preferential consideration. Inquiries should be directed to the department manager, Dr. Katrin Schoppa (schoppa (at) uni-mannheim.de), or to the prospective chair of the selection committee, Prof. Andreas Engert (engert (at) uni-mannheim.de). Applications should contain a curriculum vitae, copies of certificates and references, a list of publications, presentations and teaching activities, course evaluations as well as up to three relevant (published or unpublished) articles. Reference letters from academic supervisors or promoters can be useful. Please send your application materials preferably by e-mail to schoppa (at) uni-mannheim.de or in paper form to Department of Law, University of Mannheim, D-68131 Mannheim, Germany. Applications received by 31st October 2016 will be included in the selection process; later applications may also be considered. Please note that unencrypted e-mail cannot preclude violations of confidentiality and unauthorised access by third parties.