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来源:区区虫豸冀洞天 作者:区区虫豸冀洞天 发布时间:2017-07-03
摘要:Legal English 按:美国联邦调查局当地时间6月30日宣布,当晚逮捕了27岁白人男子布伦特·A·克里斯滕森,指控他涉嫌绑架中国访问学者章莹颖。联邦调查局表示,根据讯问嫌疑人的记录以及收集到的相关线索,相信章莹颖已经死亡。根据公布的刑事起诉状,看下美国伊利
Legal English 按:美国联邦调查局当地时间6月30日宣布,当晚逮捕了27岁白人男子布伦特·A·克里斯滕森,指控他涉嫌绑架中国访问学者章莹颖。联邦调查局表示,根据讯问嫌疑人的记录以及收集到的相关线索,相信章莹颖已经死亡。根据公布的刑事起诉状,看下美国伊利诺斯州刑事起诉状的结构和用语特点。(一)首部UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTfor the Central District of Illinois(美国伊利诺斯中央区地方法院)United States of America          v.BRENDT A. CHRISTENSEN(美利坚合众国诉布伦特·A·克里斯滕森(被告人)) Case number 案号:17MJ7132(二)正文Criminal Compplaint(刑事起诉状____此部分为公诉人陈述涉嫌罪名。I,the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. On or about the date(s) of June 9, 2017 in the county fo Champaign in the Central District of Illinois, the defendant(s) violated: Code Section 18 USC 1201Offense DescriptionKidnapping , in that he unlawfully and willfully seized, confined, inveigled, decoyed, kidnappped, abducted, carried away, and otherwise held the victim, and in committing and in furtherance of the commmission of the offense used a means, faciliity and intrumentality of interstate and foreign commerce.This criminal complaint is based on these facts:See attached affidavit(誓词) of FBI Special Agent Anthoony Manganoro, whici is attached hereto and specifically incorporated herein by reference.(警员宣誓词附后) 本起诉状根据以下事实(如下)                          公诉人署名:                          法官署名:(三)宣誓与介绍I, Anthon, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and state as follows: (四)法律依据(relevant statute)(五)Probable cause(事实陈述)...... further affiant sayeth not (宣誓人没有什么要说的,表明到此终结)公诉人签名法官签名:


