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来源:啄木法੨ 作者:啄木 发布时间:2017-05-04
摘要:与友交流 分享信息 山东大学诚聘海内外青年法学英才学校简介AboutShandong University山东大学是一所历史悠久、在国内外具有重要影响的教育部直属重点综合性大学,是国家“211 工程”和“985 工程”重点建设的高水平大学之一,也是中国近代高等教育的起源性大
与友交流 分享信息 山东大学诚聘海内外青年法学英才学校简介AboutShandong University山东大学是一所历史悠久、在国内外具有重要影响的教育部直属重点综合性大学,是国家“211 工程”和“985 工程”重点建设的高水平大学之一,也是中国近代高等教育的起源性大学。ShandongUniversity (SDU) is a time-honored comprehensive university under the directjurisdiction of China’sMinistry of Education. It is a member universityof Project 211 and Project 985, twomajor national initiatives seeking to enhance the international competitivenessof the top-tier universities in China.As one of the original higher education institutions in modern China, SDU hasbecome highly influential both at home and abroad.近年来山东大学实现了跨越式发展,学校的综合办学实力和竞争力明显增强,其中化学、物理、临床医学、材料科学、生物学与生物化学、工程学、药理学与毒理学、神经科学与行为、数学、环境工程与生态学、免疫学、植物与动物学、分子生物学与遗传学、农业科学、社会科学总论、计算机科学等16个学科进入了世界ESI排名的前1%。学校规模宏大,形成了一校三地(济南、青岛、威海)、八个校园的办学格局。Inrecent years, SDU has leapfrogged in its development, with remarkably enhancedoverall strength and competitiveness. Sixteen of its disciplines rank among thetop 1% in the ESI Ranking. These include Chemistry, Physics, Clinical Medicine,Material Science, Biology and Biochemistry, Engineering, Pharmacology andToxicology, Neuroscience and Behavior, Mathematics, Environmental Engineeringand Ecology, Immunology, Plant and Animal Science, Molecular Biology andGenetics, Agricultural Science, Social Science as well as computer science. SDUcomprises eight campuses in three cities (Jinan,Qingdao andWeihai).为实现建设世界一流大学的战略目标,我校制定了一系列高层次人才引进计划,竭诚欢迎海内外英才加盟山东大学,同创辉煌。Toachieve the strategic goal of joining the ranks of world-class universities,SDU has launched a series of programs to recruit outstanding scholars. Wewelcome high-caliber talents both at home and abroad to join us.招聘岗位及条件Openingsand Qualifications青年千人计划Programof Young Global ExpertsQualifications:1.申报人为自然科学或工程技术领域,年龄不超过40周岁。1.Scholars under the age of 40 majoring in Natural Science or Engineering Technology.2.取得博士学位,并有连续3年以上海外科研工作经历,在海外知名高校、科研机构或知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位;是所从事科研领域同龄人中的拔尖人才,有成为该领域学术或技术带头人的发展潜力,对特别优秀的海外博士,可以突破任职年限限制,破格引进。2.Doctorate holders who have the experience of doing research work in overseasinstitutions for more than three consecutive years and who enjoy a fullteaching or research position in well-known overseas universities, researchinstitutions or the R & D department of renowned enterprises; Outstandingamong peers in the same research field and having potentials for leadership inacademic research or technological development. For extremely outstandingscholars who have obtained a doctorate overseas, the age limit could berelaxed.3.引进后应全职回国工作。一般应未全职在国内工作,已经在国内工作的,回国时间应在一年内。3.Once recruited, should be able to work full time in Shandong University.Preference is given to those who are not working full time in the mainland of China. Forthose who are already working in the mainland of China,the time of their returning to Chinashould be within one year. 4.对进入面试环节者或其他优秀的青年学者,学校可优先推荐申报校内人才项目。4.Applicants qualified for the interview as well as other outstanding youngscholars can be recommended for talent programs in Shandong University.山东大学齐鲁青年学者Programof Qilu Young Scholars of Shandong UniversityQualifications:1.具有博士学位,自然科学或工程技术领域应聘者年龄不超过35周岁,人文社会科学领域应聘者的年龄不超过40周岁。1.Doctorate holders under the age of 35 inNatural Science or Engineering Technology and doctorate holders under the ageof 40 in Humanities and SocialSciences.2.海外应聘者一般应具有高水平大学助理教授及以上职位或研究机构相应职位的经历,或具有海外长期学术研修经历。2.For overseas applicants, the minimum requirement is assistant professorship inhigh level universities or corresponding positions in research institutions.Those who have the experience of long-term overseas academic training will alsobe considered.3.应聘者已取得具有重要学术影响的标志性研究成果,具有较强的学术潜力,学术水平居于本学科领域同年龄段学者前列。3.Applicants should have strong academic potentials and have already achievediconic research results with important academic influence as well as at theforefront among peers in their research fields. 待遇及支持条件Remunerationand Support青年千人计划Programof Young Global Experts(Thousand Talents Plan)(1)聘任为教授,博士生导师,提供专属博士生招生指标。(1) Academic title: professor and doctoralsupervisor. Enjoying special quotas for recruiting doctoral students.(2)学科建设经费:在国家拨付100-300万科研经费基础上,学校提供不低于1:1学科建设经费配套。(2)Funds for discipline development: apart from the 1 to 3 million RMBappropriation from the national government, a minimum of 1:1 disciplineconstruction funds will be provided.(3)薪酬:年薪35-50万元。(3)Salary: The annual salary is 350,000 to 500,000 RMB.(4)安家及住房补助:150万元(含国家及山东省补助)。首聘期内提供专家公寓优惠租住,在青岛校区工作的可在青岛校区限价购买自有产权住房。(4)Housing benefits: 1.5 million RMB (including allowance from the national andprovincial governments). Experts’ apartment is available at preferential rentduring the first term of appointment. Those who work on the Qingdao Campusenjoy the right to buy their own housing on the campus at a fixed price.(5)协助安排配偶工作,为子女提供优质的校内就学条件。 (5) SDU will help to make job arrangements forthe spouse as well as making arrangements for high-quality on-campus schoolingfor the children.齐鲁青年学者Programof Qilu Young Scholars(1)聘任为教授,博士生导师。 (1)Academic title: professor and doctoralsupervisor.(2)学科建设经费:根据学科领域不同,学校提供学科建设经费,自然科学或工程技术领域不低于100万元,人文社会科学类不低于30万元。(2)Funds for discipline development: SDU will provide no less than 1 million RMBfor scholars in Natural Science or Engineering Technology and no less than300,000 RMB for scholars in Humanities and Social Sciences.(3)薪酬:年薪30-40万元。 (3) Salary: The annual salary is 300,000 to400,000 RMB.(4)安家及住房补助:学校提供30-50万元住房补助;前两年提供专家公寓优惠租住,在青岛校区工作的可在青岛校区限价购买自有产权住房。(4)Housing benefits: SDU will provide an allowance of 300,000 to 500,000 RMB.Experts’ apartment is available at preferential rent during the first two termsof appointment. Those who work on the Qingdao Campus enjoy the right to buytheir own housing on campus at a fixed price.(5)为子女提供优质的校内就学条件。(5)SDU will help to make arrangements for high-quality on-campus schooling for thechildren.应聘方式Howto apply此招聘全年有效,应聘所需材料包括个人详细简历和学术成果简介,应聘者可与相关院系招聘联系人直接联系,也可将应聘材料电子版发送至学校人才工作办公室[email protected](请注明应聘岗位)。Applicantscan submit their applications all year round. Application materials include apersonal resume and a brief introduction to the academic achievements. Applicants can contact the relevant schooldirectly or send application materials to the school talents office : [email protected](Please mark the position you apply).联系人及联系方式李 岩;联系电话:+86-531-88365747;E-mail:[email protected]; Phone number: + 86-531-88365747; E-mail: [email protected] 法学院Law School方向:人权法、海洋法、民商法Human Rights Law, Maritime Law, Civil and Commercial Law石莹 Ying Shi 0531-88378656 [email protected]

