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一位毕业生因为找不到工作,把自己的法学院给告了 | 西太双语

来源:法学学习综合 作者:国平 人气: 发布时间:2016-07-05
摘要:一位毕业生因为找不到工作,把自己的法学院给告了 | 西太双语,主页菌语今天的推送是一则让人大跌眼镜的新闻,来自BusinessInsider。一位毕业生因为自己找不到工

一位毕业生因为找不到工作,把自己的法学院给告了 | 西太双语


今天的推送是一则让人大跌眼镜的新闻,来自 Business Insider。一位毕业生因为自己找不到工作把自己的法学院给告了,刷新了主页菌的三观。不过回过头一想,我们确实也算是法学院教育服务的消费者,如果能够证明学校招生时候的数据有作假,那这个官司还真有可能赢。西太会持续关注官司的进一步发展。

翻译志愿者: Kyle 编辑:俞梦丹 主页菌

据《纽约时报》报道,Anna Alaburda,托马斯杰斐逊法学院(TJLS)的一位37岁的毕业生,在毕业近10年后,终于有机会为自己起诉学校欺诈的案件陈词。







根据该案案情,她在阅读了2003年《US News & World Report》上报道的托马斯杰斐逊法学院(位于圣迭戈)就业情况介绍和该校的招生手册后决定报考。

一位毕业生因为找不到工作,把自己的法学院给告了 | 西太双语

Wikipedia-Thomas Jefferson School of Law

据《US News & World Report》报道,“该校80.1%的毕业生在毕业9个月后入职。”

比照耶鲁法学院(目前在US News中全美排名第一)的2016年就业数据可知,该校的毕业生就业率为88.2%。





该校则坚称其毕业生工作并无问题。Thomas Guernsey,TJSL的院长,在《商业内参》的访谈稿中谈到,“我们对毕业生去向有准确的记录,其中有将近7,000人成功在国内国际执业。”



Anna Alaburda, a 37-year-old graduate of Thomas Jefferson School of Law, is finally getting the chance to argue her case against the school in court — nearly a decade after she attended, The New York Times reported.

Alaburda's case is noteworthy.

It's the first case to go to trial that accuses a law school of using inflated post graduation employment figures and salaries to defraud applicants.

Graduates of law schools filed more than a dozen proposed class-action lawsuits in 2011 and 2012 alone, according to The Wall Street Journal. These suits claimed the schools defrauded graduates into thinking employment prospects were rosier than they really were.

But judges have thrown out most of these suits, disagreeing with the premise that law students were defrauded.

While a judge ruled that Alaburda's case couldn't proceed as a class action representing other graduates, she is pursuing the case on her own behalf in a San Diego trial that starts Monday.

Alaburda graduated from New York University with a bachelor's degree in 2002 before setting her sights on the legal profession.

She decided on the San Diego-based TJSL after reading about its postgraduation statistics in its marketing brochures and in the 2003 US News & World report, according to the lawsuit.

US News & World Report said "80.1 percent of students [at TJSL] were employed nine months after graduation," according to the suit.

For comparison, Yale Law School, rated the No. 1 law school in the nation by US News, has a postgraduate employment rate of 88.2%, according to 2016 statistics.

Alaburda excelled at TJSL, graduating in the top tier of her class, according to The Times. She also passed the bar exam on her first attempt. She graduated from the school in 2008.

But despite her academic successes, Alaburda has been unable to find full-time employment as a lawyer.

She has sent her résumé to more than 150 law firms and received only one job offer, which "was less favorable than non-law related jobs that were available to her," the suit says.

In addition, she graduated with $150,000 in student-loan debt, a figure that has since ballooned to $170,000 accounting for interest, and has been forced to accept part-time and non-legal work to pay her bills.

TJSL stands by the assertion that its graduates find successful employment after attending the school. "We have a strong track record of producing successful graduates, with 7,000 alumni working nationally and internationally," Thomas Guernsey, dean of TJSL, told Business Insider in a statement.

As Business Insider has previously reported, TJSL can provide an opportunity for aspiring lawyers who can't get into more competitive schools.



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