从“贝嫂”到“维妈” 用努力让小贝变成了她背后的男人 这些快问快答了解一个不一样的 维多利亚 (她说她最爱落日橙色) 你每天醒来做的第一件事是什么? What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 先去看看我的小孩 I check on my kids. 你的日常习惯是什么? What’s the daily ritual? 每天6点起来开始锻炼 I’m up at 6am then working out. 你有养宠物吗? Do you have any pets? 在洛杉矶有养一只叫Coco Chanel的斗牛犬 That’ll be Coco Chanel the bulldog, he lives in LA. 你有给你的小孩起小名吗? Do you have any pet names for your kids? 有,但是我告诉你的话,他们会不好意思 I do, but if I tell you, they’ll be mortified. 你孩子经常把你什么话当作耳边风? What’s one rule your kids consistently ignore? 别在家里踢球 Don’t play football in the house. 你从孩子身上学到最棒的是什么? What’s the greatest thing you’ve learned from your kids? 如何在家里踢球 How to play football in a house 以及如何无条件的去爱 and how to love unconditionally 你有从他们那里学到一些俚语吗? You pick up any slang from them? 我不知道,哥们 I have no idea dude 你最喜欢的眼色是什么? What is your favorite color? 落日橙 Sunset Orange (怪不得贝嫂喜欢爱马仕) 最喜欢的口味? What’s your favorite flavor? 咸 Salt 你最喜欢的香料是什么? What’s your favorite spice? 时髦的 Posh 你有什么秘密技能? What’s your secret talent? 我以前会杂耍 I used to be able to juggle. 高跟鞋 or 平底鞋? Heels or Flats 都喜欢 Both 钻石 or 珍珠? Diamonds or Pearls 都爱,就像大家都喜欢王子 Both,we love prince. 那么威廉 or 哈利? Harry or William 啊,这我怎么选 Ah,You can’t make me choose 你的时尚秘诀? What’s the best fashion secret you’ve ever learned? 简约而不简单 Less is More 如果由你统治世界,你会颁布一项什么样的法律? If you ran the world, what’s one law you would enact? 如果?你是说当我统治世界时? If?Do you mean when? 当我统治世界,我会颁布一项法律,要求每个人都要做一点点慈善的事。 When I ran the world, I’m gonna make it a law that everybody has to do a little some thing philanthropie. 如果要你下辈子一定要穿一件东西,会是什么? If you had to wear one thing for the rest of your life, What wouldbe? 短裤 Knickers 你早晨是怎么穿衣服的? How do you get dressed in the morning? 袜子短裤 背心 裙子 Socks, Knickers,vest, dress 需要放松的时候你会穿什么? What do you wear when you need to relax? Lanvin睡衣 My Lanvin pajamas 除了手机和钱包以外,你包里通常会放哪三样东西? Besides cell phone and purse, What are 3 things you always have inyour bags? Byredo护手霜,23号Makeupforever唇笔以及我的信用卡 Byredo hand cream,No.23 Makeup Forever lip liner, and my credit card. 哪个问题你喜欢经常被问及? What’s one question you’d like to be asked more often? 你要早点休息吗? Would you like an early night? 你讨厌被问哪个问题? What’s one question you hate being asked? 你为什么不笑? Why don’t you smile? 那你为什么不笑? Why don’t you smile? 我在心里笑,我觉得我应该对时尚界有所担当。 I’m smiling on the inside, I feel like I have a responsibility to the fashion community 你衣柜里哪件衣服小贝不喜欢? What’s one piece of clothing in your wardrobe that David hates? 他喜欢里面的每一件 He loved everything in my wardrobe. 小贝衣柜里哪件衣服你不喜欢? What’s one piece of clothing in David’s wardrobe that you hate? 我不太喜欢他几年前穿的那套Gucci I don’t really like that full on Gucci look that he pushed a few years ago. 如果你可以在学校教一门课, 会是什么? If you could teach any subject at school, what would it be? 唱歌 Singing 你最喜欢的食物是什么? what’s your favorite food? 日本菜 Japanese 最喜欢的饮料? Favorite Drink? 日式热清酒 Hot sake 如果你可以和任何人约会,过世的也行,会是谁? If you could have a date with someone,living or dead,who would it be? 我老公 My husband 世界上哪样东西是必须消除的? What is one thing in this world that we need to get rid of? 艾滋病 AIDS 你相信自由意志还是命运? You believe in free will or destiny? 我相信自由意志会带领你走向命运 I believe that free will leads you to your destiny 哪件东西是你不能没有的? What’s one thing you cannt live without? 我的卷发棒 My velero rollers 除了洛杉矶,你最常去的城市? Besides LA,what city do youvisit the most? 巴黎 Paris 你认为一场完美的约会会是怎么样的? What is your idea of a perfect date? 和我老公共度良宵 A night in with my husband |